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All About Intimate Piercings

The Prince Albert Piercing: Everything You Need to Know About Procedure and Aftercare

When talking about male intimate piercings, Prince Albert is undoubtedly the most popular one.

The standard Prince Albert piercing goes through the urethra’s opening and comes out where the shaft and the head of the penis meet.

There is also a reverse Prince Albert, where the jewelry comes out the top rather than the bottom.

Can I get a Prince Albert if I have a circumcision?

If you are circumcised and therefore do not have a foreskin, you can also get a Prince Albert done. Your piercer will advise you where to place the piercing.

What thread thickness should I use?

A Prince Albert piercing requires pieces with a large thread thickness of at least 1.6 mm. Thin pieces are more likely to be rejected and to cause a meatotomy in the long run. You can prevent rejection from happening by using a large thread thickness.

Stretching your Prince Albert is not a problem once your piercing has healed properly. Please ask your piercer for advice since you should stretch this piercing very slowly.

What jewelry can I use in a Prince Albert?

Most people use either a ring, a horseshoe, or a curved barbell for this piercing. The piece you choose should always be of at least 1.6 mm thread thickness and fit your penis in both normal and erect states. However, there is also jewelry made specifically for Prince Albert, such as the prince's wand, which goes through the urethra.

During the healing period, you may want to wear titanium, zircon gold, or blackline. After the piercing has healed, you choose the material that suits you best. Some people like relatively heavy jewelry. For this purpose, steel jewelry would be preferable. However, if you use a large thread thickness, you may benefit from switching to a lightweight material, such as acrylic.

What can I do to heal my Prince Albert?

In addition to regular piercing aftercare, follow these tips:

  • Avoid intercourse during the healing period.
  • Your piercing may bleed for the first few days. In that case, rinse away blood and other debris with isotonic saline.
  • Pee after washing your Prince Albert piercing with soap. The urine will rinse away any soap residue.
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