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All About Eyebrow Piercings

Anti-Eyebrow Piercing Guide: Jewelry and Aftercare Tips

The anti-eyebrow piercing is placed over the cheekbone or below the eyebrow. Like so many other piercings, this one also has more than one name. It can be called upper cheek, tear, teardrop, butterfly kiss, or even crow’s feet. But anti-eyebrow is the most common name.

What jewelry should I use?

It depends on how you had this piercing done. Most people wear surface barbells, which are a somewhat advanced version of a curved barbell. Nowadays, piercers are also making them with dermal anchors.

Anti-Eyebrow Piercing GuideAnti-Eyebrow Piercing Guide

How do I take care of my anti-eyebrow piercing?

There is less movement under the eye than there is in the eyebrow.

Less movement = less pressure = faster healing period.

As a rule, you should let your piercing heal on its own. Clean it only twice a day or as needed with an isotonic saline solution. If you clean it too often, you can remove the new skin cells that help the piercing heal.

Other than that, take your piercer's advice when it comes to piercing aftercare.

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