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All About Face Piercings

Cheek Piercings Unveiled: Procedure, Pain, And Styling Tips

A cheek piercing is placed in any part of the cheek.

Most people choose to place one in each dimple so that they sit symmetrically. Whether you choose one or two - it is undoubtedly an eye-catching piercing.

How do I get a cheek piercing?

There are mainly two methods to do this piercing.

One is with a labret. In this case, the bar goes all the way through the cheek. Many people choose this method because they want their jewelry to resemble dimples.

The second method is to do them with dermal anchors so that the jewelry only sits on the outside.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to the dermal technique:

  • The main advantage is that the jewelry does not damage the teeth and gums.
  • On the downside: you will not get the effect of the dimples, if that is what you are looking for.
Cheek Piercings UnveiledCheek Piercings Unveiled

Are there any disadvantages to a cheek piercing?

A cheek piercing sits in an area with an incredible amount of movement. Therefore, it can be difficult to heal this piercing properly.

Besides, it's located in an area with many nerves, so you mustn’t do it yourself. Always go to an experienced piercer!

The cheeks contain some salivary glands, which can be severely affected by piercing them. An inexperienced intervention can potentially lead to uncontrollable leaking fluid, often with an unpleasant smell. However, you could decrease that smell with our Smelly Gelly.

Additionally, when using a labret, there is a small chance of skin growing over the jewelry on the inside of your mouth. If this happens to you, get professional help from your piercer as soon as possible and try wearing a longer labret.

A cheek piercing can also leave behind a scar on your face when you take it out, so please take that into account!

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