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All About Ear Piercings

Definitive Guide to Industrial Piercings

An industrial piercing is a double piercing, meaning two piercing holes connected by a bar. The jewelry is located in the top part of the ear.

Two piercing holes in your ear, but only one piece of jewelry - pretty cool!

What kind of jewelry can I wear in my industrial piercing?

This piercing owes its name to the jewelry that connects the two piercing holes, which is the industrial piercing barbell. Its thread thickness is 1.6 mm, and it varies in length. Most of them are 38 mm long, but every ear is different, so you can adapt the size according to yours.

Industrial barbells have plenty of original designs. Sometimes their ends have clear stones, arrows, spikes, or hanging stars and chains. Other bars have charms like a cross or leaves with clear stones.

Guide to Industrial PiercingsGuide to Industrial Piercings

How do I get an industrial piercing?

An industrial piercing is two individual holes linked together with one piece of jewelry. Some people choose to have the holes done separately, but in that case, they also heal separately. This means you may have a little trouble getting the long rod into the piercing holes.

That’s why it’s recommended that you put the industrial bar in straight away, so both holes heal simultaneously with the jewelry inside.

Please note that this piercing is located in an area that consists entirely of cartilage. Cartilage heals in layers and it varies from person to person how quickly and well it heals. Also, cartilage contains no blood vessels and therefore has no white blood cells, which are the ones that help a wound to heal properly. You’ll therefore need to be extra careful regarding the aftercare of your industrial piercing.

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