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Types of Piercing Jewelry

Everything You Need to Know about Curved Barbell. From Styles to Aftercare

A curved barbell is a curved version of a straight barbell. It’s as simple as that. Curved barbells are a very common type of piercing jewelry. Because of their shape, they’re sometimes called bananas.

There is one thing about curved barbells that sometimes leads to misunderstandings: their length.

Curved barbells should be measured across a straight line, from the start to the end of the rod (minus the threads).

Where can I use a curved barbell?

Curved barbells are the queens of navel piercings - and especially for this body part, they come in a wide array of designs. You can also use them in many ear, eyebrow, and in both male and female genitalia piercings, just to name a few.

Using curved barbells has been popular throughout history, but not only because of their practical benefits! Most materials in nature are curved, and thousands of years ago, piercing jewelry were made from horn, bone, and wood .

Curved Barbell ExplainedCurved Barbell Explained

What size should I choose?

Curved barbells come in a lot of different sizes. Generally, you should make a decision based on the location of your piercing and your anatomy.

As a rule of thumb, any piercing on the head requires a thread thickness of 1.2 mm. For the rest of the body, like the belly and intimate piercings, a thread thickness of 1.6 mm is used.

However, this is not set in stone. If you are in doubt about which size to use, ask your piercer. Nobody will give you better advice!

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