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All About Stretching Piercings

Plugs For Stretched Earlobes: Exploring Materials And Styles

Plugs are the eye-catching piercing jewelry you can wear in your stretched earlobe. Because of their large surface area, their designs can get very creative! They come in a lot of different materials, sizes, and colors.

What is the difference between plugs and tunnels?

The difference is simple yet important. Plugs are solid, while tunnels are hollow. In other words, you can see through a tunnel.

Both plugs and tunnels are available in a variety of sizes, materials & designs.

What are plugs made of?

Plugs can be made of many different materials. The most common are surgical steel, acrylic, and wood. However, plugs can also be made of hand-carved horn, glass, semi-precious stones, and much more.

For example, you can find heart-shaped plugs in white opalite, black onyx, red agate & turquoise stone.

Guide to Stretched Earlobe PlugsGuide to Stretched Earlobe Plugs

How do plugs stay in my ear?

There are three ways for plugs to stay in your ear.

  • The majority of plugs have a concave shape. You can use a lubricant with vitamins to not tear your skin when taking the jewelry out.
  • Plugs can be threaded if the material allows. Threads in plugs can be useful, as they allow you to unscrew one end (often the back) and insert the jewelry into your ear without having to force the large edge through your ear.
  • Lastly, some plugs come with o-rings: two rubber rings attached to the jewelry after you insert it in the ear
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