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Piercing Jewelry Materials

Why Choose Titanium Piercing Jewelry: Benefits, Care Tips, and Expert Advice

Titanium is the most recommended material to use in new piercings.

That's not only because of its light density or incredible strength. Titanium has a beautifully shiny and smooth surface, and most importantly, it contains 0% nickel.

By using titanium in your piercings, you avoid getting a nickel rash and developing a nickel allergy.

Is titanium safe for my piercings?

Titanium is the material that is commonly used for surgical implantations. The material in its purest form is called G23 or implant grade.

Whether you are looking for ear, nose, or lip piercing jewelry, rings, labrets, or titanium barbells - all of Bodymod’s titanium jewelry is G23 or implant grade.

What is colored titanium?

Titanium doesn't only come in one color, although we most commonly find it in its ‘silver colored’ version. You can wear titanium jewelry dyed in a variety of colors, like golden and black.

When titanium is dyed in gold, it is typically called zircon gold. Its black version is called Blackline. Those are the two most common variants of titanium coloring.

Benefits Of Titanium Piercing JewelryBenefits Of Titanium Piercing Jewelry

When should I avoid titanium?

There are a few situations in which you’ll need to avoid titanium. Sports is typically one of them. Titanium is a sturdy material, which means that it won't crack or yield if there is a sudden hit or pull. When playing sports, it is often a good idea to use a softer material such as acrylic or PTFE/ bioplastic.

Can I use titanium in hot and cold circumstances?

If you are the kind of person who loves ice-cold baths, saunas, skiing, or tanning on the beach, then titanium is your go-to.

The external temperature does not get transferred to titanium jewelry as much as it does to surgical steel. This means titanium is more comfortable to wear in extreme temperatures.

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