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All About Nose Piercings

Understanding Septum Piercings: Pain, Procedure, and Jewelry Options

We hear the word more and more, but what does septum actually mean? The word comes from Latin and means ‘enclosure, fence, partition’. However, it also designates the cartilaginous partition in our nose that divides our nostrils. Nowadays, when we hear someone saying, ‘I got a septum’, they probably mean they got a septum piercing.

Are septum piercings pierced across the septum?

Long story short, no!

The septum is a cartilage, and in a traditional septum piercing, it is not the cartilage but the small soft spot just below the cartilage that is pierced. That means that not everyone has enough space in their nose to get a septum piercing. If you want to make sure you could potentially get a septum piercing, you should ask a professional piercer for advice. Some people do get their cartilage pierced. However, that’s an extremely painful piercing and not recommendable.

Guide to Septum PIercingGuide to Septum PIercing

Does it hurt to get a septum piercing?

Pain always differs from person to person. According to our research at Bodymod, getting your septum pierced hurts quite a bit: the pain ranks 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. But the pain is so short-lived.

What jewelry can I use in my septum?

As for materials, surgical steel, 14K gold, and titanium are the most commonly used for septum piercings. As for jewelry types, many people use horseshoes and rings, including septum clickers, for their septum piercings. Some people also use a septum retainer, which keeps the piercing open without it being visible. But the fun does not end there! You can use any jewelry that you wish, as long as it fits your piercing. And if you don’t have a septum piercing yet, you may want to check out some beautiful septum clip-ons instead.

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