__cf_bm |
.r1-t.trackedlink.net |
30 minutes |
This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.
.bodymod.com |
1 year |
Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.
recently_viewed_product |
bodymod.com |
1 year |
Stores product IDs of recently viewed products for easy navigation.
form_key |
.bodymod.com |
1 year |
This cookie is used to facilitate content caching on the browser to make pages load faster.
mage-messages |
bodymod.com |
1 year |
Tracks error messages and other notifications that are shown to the user, such as the cookie consent message, and various error messages. The message is deleted from the cookie after it is shown to the shopper.
form_key |
bodymod.com |
23 hours 59 minutes |
This cookie is used to facilitate content caching on the browser to make pages load faster.
CookieScriptConsent |
bodymod.com |
1 month |
This cookie is used by Cookie-Script.com service to remember visitor cookie consent preferences. It is necessary for Cookie-Script.com cookie banner to work properly.
__cf_bm |
.r1.dotdigital-pages.com |
30 minutes |
This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.
cf_clearance |
.r1.dotdigital-pages.com |
1 year |
This cookie is used by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic and override any security restrictions based on the visitor's IP address. It is essential for supporting a website's security features and in providing protection against malicious visitors.
mage-cache-storage |
bodymod.com |
1 day |
This cookie is used to facilitate content caching on the browser to make pages load faster.
mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation |
bodymod.com |
1 day |
This cookie is used to facilitate content caching on the browser to make pages load faster.
mage-cache-sessid |
bodymod.com |
1 year |
The value of this cookie triggers the cleanup of local cache storage. When the cookie is removed by the backend application, the Admin cleans up local storage, and sets the cookie value to true.
recently_viewed_product_previous |
bodymod.com |
1 year |
Stores product IDs of recently previously viewed products for easy navigation.
bluemonkeycid |
.bodymod.com |
1 month |
recently_compared_product |
bodymod.com |
1 year |
Stores product IDs of recently compared products.
recently_compared_product_previous |
bodymod.com |
1 year |
Stores product IDs of previously compared products for easy navigation.
product_data_storage |
bodymod.com |
1 year |
Stores configuration for product data related to Recently Viewed / Compared Products.