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All About Nose Piercings

A Deep Dive into Nostril Piercings and Aftercare

Nostril piercings have been around for thousands of years. We can find them in many corners of the world, in different times throughout history and in several traditions. This piercing is placed in the nostrils, which are the channels that go from our nose to the external opening.

How do I get a nostril piercing?

Nostril piercings should be done with a cannula by a professional piercer. These are the steps that your piercer will follow:

  1. Your piercer disinfects the nose area properly.
  2. Your piercer uses hollow forceps to insert a needle with a cannula through your nostril.
  3. Your piercer inserts a nose stud in the cannula, quickly pushing it down and taking it out to get the piercing rod through the nostril.

Getting your nostril piercing done professionally means you'll avoid the worst pain and big scars caused by a poorly done piercing.

Can I get a nostril piercing made with a gun?

Some think that a nostril piercing can be made with a gun, as it is done in jewelry shops or pharmacies in some countries. It is strongly discouraged to do so, however.

  • First of all, piercing guns cannot be sterilized in an autoclave, so they are not free from the bacteria and blood from the previous customers.
  • Guns "tear" the cartilage by pushing through it, which causes trauma and is likely to leave an ugly scar.
  • A professional uses hollow needles, which remove a bit of flesh so that the wound can heal properly. Additionally, a professional piercer will be more knowledgeable on the risks involved in getting pierced and can advise you on correct piercing jewelry.

What materials should I have on my nostril?

Like with any other piercings, you should first use surgical steel, or even better, titanium. Do not use silver jewelry in your nostril piercing, as you risk getting a black mark on your nostril, which can be almost impossible to remove again. Besides, you are more likely to develop a skin reaction. If you want to wear a more exclusive material, you can choose 14K gold in any of its variants: yellow, white, or rose. If you are looking for discretion and comfort, you might go for acrylic or PTFE.

What are the measurements of nostril jewelry?

When you get your nostril piercing done, you need to decide whether you want a discreet piercing or a more prominent one. It is important to know this so that your piercer can advise you on the thread thickness selection. For discreet piercings, you will typically need jewelry of 0.8 to 1 mm thread thickness. If you want to switch between small and large jewelry, choose a thread thickness of 1.2 mm. When it comes to rings, a very small diameter is 6 mm, a medium 8 mm, and large rings are 10 mm.

Nostril PIercing ExplainedNostril PIercing Explained

What jewelry can I use?

There are many types of jewelry for nostril piercings. Nostril screws and L-shaped studs are held into the piercing by a curve in the bar, which sits against the inside of a nostril wall. Straight nose studs have a tiny ball at the end of the bar, which is slightly thicker and holds the jewelry in place. Therefore, inserting a nostril screw hurts less when you get your piercing, and is less likely to become irritating.

For this reason, professional piercers prefer to use fishtails instead of studs. Fishtails can be cut and bent at a precise length, and they have the same thread thickness all along.

The downside of nostril studs is that they can easily do damage inside the nostril if you happen to give the nose a push so that the stud goes against the nostril wall. This is something to consider if you play sports. Horseshoes and nostril rings have become popular for nostril piercings too! Lastly, if you like to change your nostril piercing jewelry and perhaps have a limited budget, you can consider buying nostril jewelry sets.

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