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Piercing Jewelry Materials

The Definitive Guide to Gold-Plated Piercing Jewelry - Benefits, Care, and Longevity

Wearing gold-plated piercing jewelry is the best way to get the shiny effect of genuine gold pieces, It’s classic and affordable - it’s always en vogue!

Gold coating vs. solid gold

When a piece is described as gold-plated, it usually contains a combination of two materials:

  • The body is typically made of surgical steel.
  • The most common coating is very thin gold leaf, which is typically 14 carat. Solid gold jewelry is made solely of its mix of gold.

For piercing jewelry, the best mix is 14 carats. Note, however, that some jewelry makers may hollow out their pieces to make them cheaper and lighter in weight.

How long does gold-plated jewelry last?

Like any other coating, gold-plated piercing jewelry can wear off. There's no real way around it, but to some degree, its durability depends on you.

That is, the longevity of gold coating depends on how your body chemistry matches the jewelry.

  • Some people naturally secrete strong body fluids while others do not.
  • What you eat and drink has a big influence as well. Coffee, tea, cigarettes, and sweets, for example, will damage the coating of your tongue and lip pieces. Try to avoid consuming those if you don’t want your coating to disappear.

If you are looking for pieces that will keep their beautiful gold color forever, consider choosing gold or zircon gold.

Guide To Gold-Plated Piercing JewelryGuide To Gold-Plated Piercing Jewelry

Should I wear gold-plated pieces with new piercings?

You should never use gold-plated jewelry in a new piercing or an inflamed piercing.

The gold coating can lead to irritation. Additionally, the body fluids released during healing or inflammation might damage the jewelry.

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